It is getting round to the time of year I start back in the garden after a break over winter. I have started by raking leaves off the borders, which then uncovers the spring bulbs which have started to poke through. After the dull months of winter I love the spring colours. After they died back last season it was an opportunity to split a lot of bulbs and the snowdrops have come through well. I also planted more Daffodil bulbs in various places to add spring time colour. One afternoon myself and my mum planted 500 daffodil bulbs up the drive so we can’t wait for them to flower. They have all come through, so not long to wait. Pruning is also a time consuming job in our garden. I have had 5 trailer loads of rubbish already from one area. Sandy helped by bringing me one twig! I found 14 tennis balls!
The new boiler in The Granary is now installed and working well. The first guests in after it was fitted had to turn the heating down which has never happened before. The new dishwasher and fridge freezer also seem to be an improvement. I have made a few small changes in the Granary living area. A couple of new lamp shades, cushions and ornaments to add a different colour, and painted the coffee table and tv stand. I feel like we have a new room now.
Over the last five years we have slowly made changes and updated the cottages, now it’s time to get the paint brush and roller out in our house again I think. Mind you every time I go shopping it’s rare I don’t come back with something for the cottages!