If you or any member of your party have symptoms or have had symptoms of Covid-19 within the last two weeks before the arrival date at our cottages, you must notify us immediately, not travel and self-isolate in accordance with the current Government guidance.

If you or any member of your party develop symptoms of covid-19 during your stay in our cottages you must declare this immediately to us and travel home to self isolate.

The safety of everyone is the most important thing. If we can all follow the general guidelines, hopefully it will help in keeping us all safe.

Key points:-

On changeover day (before you arrive) we carry out a thorough clean.  Antiviral disinfectant which is tested to BS EN 14476, BS EN 1276 & BS EN 13697 is then used for high touch areas in our cottages. 

Enter The Granary by the downstairs door please.

Enter The Mistal by the door from the car park area.

On entry hand sanitiser is provided. Please do not remove this from the cottage.

Support good hand hygiene – hand soap is provided for you.

Shoe removal is recommended – leave outdoor footwear in hall area (Granary) Porch (Mistal)

Have a good look around The Granary, and/or The Mistal, if there is anything you are not happy with, please let me know immediately.


We will only be making up the beds needed.

We will now only put one pillow per person on the beds. (spares available)

Any items removed from plastic zipped bags should be left out so we know they been used.

Some non-essential items have been removed from the cottages.  These items are mainly ornaments but also includes, fleece blankets, toys, jigsaws, and board games.  You can request to use any of these items

Departure Day

Please leave any reading books/board games used out in a pile.


The recommended guidelines now suggest that we should have minimal contact with used bed linen.

We are requesting on the day of departure that you strip the beds used of:-


Duvet cover 

Fitted sheet 

When removing these items, please keep shaking of these items to a minimum.

These items should then all be placed into one or two of the used duvet covers and left in the hall.

All towels should also be placed into one of the sheets please.


Please do not leave any food in the cottages when you leave.

All waste from all the bins should be removed from the property and left in a bin bag either in the wheelie bin or next to it.

If weather permits please leave windows open when leaving on departure day.

Any problems or questions, I’m here to help.